Terms and Conditions
1. Mandatory Identification
When renting a vehicle, you are required to present the following documents:
– A valid driver's license (held for at least 3 years).
– Double identification is mandatory for the primary driver; a driver's license is sufficient for additional drivers. The additional drivers must be present when picking up the car.
2. Age/License Duration Requirements
– The driver(s) must have held a driver's license for at least three years.
– The driver(s) must be at least 23 years old.
3. Insurance
The car is insured for third-party liability (WA) with passenger coverage. The insurance company determines the amount for the passenger coverage, which applies to the renter of the vehicle and is not supplemented by the rental company. The insurance is only valid when the General Terms and Conditions are fully adhered to.
4. Deposit
The deposit for the rental car is €500,- and must be paid by the renter to the rental company by bank transfer at the start of the rental period.
5. Not Permitted:
It is not permitted to use or allow the car to be used:
a. for any purpose that is against the law;
b. for giving driving lessons;
c. for pushing or towing any vehicle or trailer;
d. for transporting people and/or goods in violation of any legal provision of Curaçao;
e. for participating in car races, rallies, or other competitive or puzzle rides;
f. by a driver who is not physically and mentally fit to drive the vehicle. Lack of fitness is assumed if the driver has consumed substances that may impair their driving ability;
g. by a driver who does not possess a valid driver's license;
h. by a driver who is not registered with the rental company as a driver;
i. on unpaved roads; for examble at Shete Boka, Watamula, San Juan, Hato plains, or in the park around the Christoffel mountain. If we have evidence that you have driven on unpaved roads, we will charge you €1000;
j. The driver may not consume alcoholic beverages or intoxicating substances before/while using the car;
k. Smoking is prohibited in the car;
l. Leaving items in the car (visible/invisible) such as bags, clothing, towels, etc., is prohibited;
m. It is not allowed to transport animals in the car;
n. It is not allowed to sit on the car seats in wet clothing;
o. It is not allowed to transport diving or surfing equipment in the car.
6. Liability
The renter is obligated to handle the vehicle as a responsible renter should. The renter is liable for all damages resulting from theft as well as any other damage to the vehicle, regardless of whether the damage was caused by the actions or negligence of the renter or third parties. A deductible of €500 / ANG 1,000 applies per damage incident. Any damage not covered by the insurer will be fully charged to the renter.
In the event of an accident, the renter is required to:
Leave the vehicle exactly as it was at the time the damage was discovered, meaning DO NOT move it;
Immediately inform the rental company of any damage or accident;
Call Curacao Road Service (tel. 9233);
Someone from Curacao Road Service will come to the scene;
Complete the damage report form and collect all necessary information from any persons and vehicles involved in the accident, as well as note the details of any witnesses;
Refrain from admitting fault in any form;
Only leave the car after ensuring it has been properly secured against further accidents, theft, and burglary;
Provide the rental company and the insurance company with the requested cooperation in defending against any third-party claims.
If the obligations described in this article are not followed, the renter will be fully liable for all consequences and costs, plus administrative fees.
In the event of total loss or theft, the renter must inform the rental company. The renter is liable for the actual replacement value of the vehicle, assessed according to the current market situation. The pre-determined replacement value of the vehicle as stated in the rental agreement can be requested in writing by the renter before or during the rental period. The renter explicitly agrees to the determined replacement value and forfeits the right to have the replacement value determined by a third party after the occurrence of total loss or theft damage. In the event of total loss, the renter is responsible for all towing and removal costs of the vehicle.
In the case of non-payment, an annual interest rate of 5% will be applied. In such cases, a collection agency will be engaged, and collection costs will be charged to the renter. Any costs related to the inability to rent out the vehicle in question will also be charged to the renter.
The renter is responsible for the vehicle until the rental company has conducted the final inspection of the vehicle. The renter is liable for all costs, fines, penalties, and administrative sanctions imposed on the rental company due to offenses or violations committed by the renter and/or driver and/or third parties during the rental period, plus an administrative fee.
The renter indemnifies the rental company against any damages to the renter, third parties, and/or property that occur during the rental period for which the rental company may be held liable under the law and for which no coverage is provided under the rental company's insurance.
The renter indemnifies the rental company against any legal, moral, and material liability related to injuries and/or liability damages concerning the passengers, except as covered by the conditions set forth in the passenger insurance policy and provided all the articles in these General Terms and Conditions have been met.
7. Maintenance / Refueling
– The renter is fully responsible for refueling the car with the appropriate fuel (gasoline/super). The car will be fully fueled when the renter takes possession of the car and must be returned fully fueled. If the car is not returned fully fueled, the costs will be charged to the renter.
– The costs of any maintenance are the responsibility of the rental company and will only be carried out on the rental company's instructions.
8. Duration of the Rental Agreement
– In the event of an extension of the rental agreement, all terms of the agreement will remain in effect.
– In the event of a shortened rental period, the rental company is not responsible for refunding rental fees.
The time of receiving the car is also the time when the car must be returned, unless otherwise clearly agreed upon and stated in the rental agreement. The renter must return the car in a condition that can be inspected; if the car is excessively dirty inside and/or outside, additional cleaning costs may be charged. If the vehicle is not returned on time, the rental company is entitled to charge the renter a penalty of €75 / ANG 150 for every two hours the vehicle is returned late.
Initials driver (s):
9. Explicit Dissolution Clause
The rental company is entitled to terminate the rental agreement without notice of default or judicial intervention and to repossess the vehicle, providing a reason, without prejudice to its right to compensation for costs, damages, and interest.
10. Payment Terms
At the start of the rental agreement, the full rental amount and deposit must be paid.
11. Other Conditions
– The renter must properly lock the car when not in use.
– The car comes with an anti-theft steering lock, which must be used at all times.
– Flat tires or tire damage are always the renter's responsibility, except when a tire expert determines that the cause is due to wear and tear.
– If the car is provided with an alarm device, the renter must ensure it does not get wet. If the alarm device is not functioning upon return, the costs will be charged to the renter.